The best protection from getting the flu is to get the annual seasonal flu vaccine.  The vaccine does not give you the flu.  What it can do is help your body develop protective antibodies to the flu.  It does not always work 100%.  What it does do in the cases it is not fully protective, it helps you have a less severe case of the flu.  That is a huge benefit!!  Other ways to prevent getting the flu and spreading it to friends and family:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Avoid touching your eyes or nose
  • Cover your cough
  • Avoid crowds and large gatherings if you are not feeling well
  • Drink fluids and get plenty of sleep

There will be a number of flu vaccine clinics on campus this semester.  Please keep a watch out for the information and the link to register and sign up for it.  

Test your knowledge about the flu with the CDC's Flu IQ quiz