DC law and University policy requires students under the age of 26 are required provide documentation of immunity against certain preventable diseases. A complete list of required immunizations can be found in the Immunization Requirements for Students Policy.  

Important Notes:

  • Students must submit immunization records through the Student Health Portal.  Please click on this link and you will sign into the page using your Catholic U credentials.  You will then be directed to the student health portal . Please follow the prompts given to register for the portal.  There is an immunization history form in the FORMS tab that you need to enter the dates of your vaccinations into and submit.  Please upload your supporting vaccine document into the document upload tab.
  • We do not accept immunization records via email or fax.
  • The deadline for submission is July 1 (for new undergraduate students) and August 1 (for new graduate, law, exchange, international and transfer students). A $100 late fee will be assessed for late or incomplete records. The deadline for new spring semester students is the first day of class. There will be a hold on your Cardinal Station account that will prevent you from registering for your next semester.  
  • Please review the requirements, obtain your vaccine record and if needed, review all of this with your health care provider to ensure that the information you are submitting is accurate.
  • Please submit your immunization records as early as possible. Once this requirement is finalized, this will appear on your Cardinal Station “To Do list” as finished. We do not send out confirmation emails that the records have been received. The Catholic University of America, requires that all freshmen be vaccinated for meningitis on or after their 16th birthday or sign and submit the meningitis waiver form. See our Frequently Asked Questions about Meningitis for more information. 

 If you have any questions, please email Student Health Services.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What vaccines are required?

    The following immunizations are required:

    • Two doses of measles/mumps/rubella (MMR). The first dose must be given on or after the first birthday. 
    • Three doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine or be currently receiving the series. 
    • A Tdap booster within the past 10 years. 
    • Clinical history of having had varicella (chickenpox) or dates of the vaccine. Two doses of varicella vaccine are required.  
    • Polio vaccine series is required for those students under the age of 18 years. 
    • All freshmen are required to receive the vaccine against meningococcal meningitis (or upload a waiver to the Patient Portal); a dose of the vaccine needs to have been administered after the 16th birthday. 

    Serologic titers which document immunity to varicella, Hepatitis B and Measles, Mumps and Rubella are acceptable in the place of vaccine dates. 

  • Does Catholic University require COVID 19 vaccinations?

    Catholic University strongly encourages Covid vaccination and boosters but they are not required.  If you have received the Covid vaccine and booster, please enter your COVID vaccine information into the Immunization History form where indicated.

  • How do I submit my immunization records?

    Students should utilize the Patient Portal to submit all immunization records.  

  • When are the records due?

    Immunization records for Freshmen (first year undergraduates) are due July 1 for Fall enrollment and by the first day of class if beginning courses in the Spring semester.   Records for transfer students, international students, exchange students and all graduate students are due August 1 for Fall enrollment and by the first day of class for if beginning courses in the Spring semester.  

  • I went to the portal and submitted my vaccination record through the document upload. Am I done?

    The immunization submission is a TWO STEP process.  You must upload your vaccine record and enter the dates of your vaccinations into the Immunization History form in the “Forms” tab and hit the green submit button.  Your record is not complete until both are done.

  • Can I email or fax my immunization records to you?

    No, immunization records must be submitted through the Patient Portal.

  • Will SHS send me a confirmation email that my records are submitted and complete?

    SHS does not send confirmation when the records are received.  Once your records have been submitted through the patient portal they will be reviewed by a member of the SHS team.  Once reviewed and if all is complete, your “checklist” will note that you have completed your immunization record submission.

  • I may be traveling or busy and not be able to submit my records by the due date.  What are my options?

    The due dates are listed above.  If records are incomplete or not submitted by the due date, a late fee will be assessed. The university will also place a restrictive hold on your account that prevents you from being able to register for the following semester.

  • Is it true that there is a $100 late fee? 

    There is a $100 late fee assessed to your student account if records are not submitted or are submitted and are not complete by the due date.  We recommend that you gather your records and submit your information as soon as possible.

  • I am over 26, do I need to submit immunization records?

    No you do not.  The DC Immunization Law requires documentation of immunization only for individuals that are under 26 years of age at the time they begin classes at the University.

  • I see that a meningitis vaccine is required only for freshmen.  I am a first-year graduate/law student.  Does that include me?

    In referring to “freshmen” we are specifically referring to first year undergraduate students.
  • What meningitis vaccine is required?

    All freshmen are required to receive a dose of the MenACWY vaccine (Menveo or Menactra) or the MenACBWY (Penbraya) vaccine on or after their 16th birthday. If you choose to waive this vaccine, please sign the meningitis vaccine waiver and upload it to your patient portal in the Document upload tab.  The Meningitis B vaccine is recommended but not required.  If you have received meningitis B vaccines, please include the dates on your form.

  • The state or country that I am from has different immunization requirements and schedules than what is required by the District of Columbia.  Shouldn’t this be accepted?

    Students need to comply with the District of Columbia’s immunization requirements regardless of the state or country of immunization.  If there are any immunizations required by DC that you are missing, you should arrange to receive these prior to your enrollment and submit update records via the portal.

  • I will need to get some vaccinations to be complete.  What happens if I have not completed the full series by the due date?

    If you are in the process of receiving one or more vaccine series prior to starting school, you will be considered temporarily compliant with proof of immunizations.  You should submit (i.e. upload your vaccination records) proof of immunization as soon as you receive any missing doses/vaccines.

  • What happens if I cannot locate any of my immunization records?

    You can show proof of immunization through a combination of blood tests to test for antibodies and receiving some immunizations.  If you know you cannot locate records, schedule an appointment with a provider at home to review the requirements.  They will be able to order the blood tests to check for antibodies and advise on any immunizations needed.

  • My country does not have easy access to many vaccinations.  What can I do?

    Please complete as much as you can and submit all records.  A staff member from Student Health Services will contact you regarding what can be arranged once you are on campus.

  • I am an international student and my records are not in English.  Is this acceptable?

    We ask that all records be translated into English.  If we are not able to recognize the vaccination in the records provided, you may be asked to get blood tests and/or receive vaccinations to document immunity.

  • Does Student Health Services provide vaccinations?

    Student Health Services will have some of the required vaccines for administration.  These will be available at the start of the Fall 2024 semester.

  • Am I able to be exempted from vaccines for medical reasons?

    If you are requesting a medical exemption, please check that box in your Immunization History form.  Additionally, you must provide a signed statement from your healthcare provider stating the medical reasons to release you from immunization requirements.  Please upload this statement to the patient portal.

  • Am I able to be exempted from vaccines due to religious reasons?

    If you are requesting an exemption on religious grounds, please check that box in your Immunization History form.  Additionally, you must submit a signed personal statement clearly stating that providing documentation of some (specifying which) or all required immunizations would violate your religious beliefs.  (In the case of a student under age 18, the request should be signed by the student’s parent or guardian.)  All requests for religious exemption must be made sincerely and in good faith, and should be addressed to the President of the University.  Requests should be submitted via email to the Dean of Students.