There are many causes of nausea and vomiting but the most common one is a viral infection of the gastrointestinal ("GI") tract.  It is important to try to get small amounts of liquid in to prevent dehydration.  Dehydration can make the nausea and vomiting worse.  If you are able to, try small sips of cool flat coke, 7-up, ginger ale, Gatorade or popsicles. No diet drinks!  Drinking plain water can sometimes make the vomiting and nausea worse. Once you are no longer nauseous and keeping things down (and maybe even feeling a little hungry), start with small amounts of dry foods such as crackers and dry toast. If those are tolerated, advance to clear broth soup such as chicken noodle soup.  Remember to eat and drink small amounts. There are also some medicines that can be prescribed to help with the nausea.  Fortunately, these stomach bugs are relatively short lived and last only 12-24 hours. Meanwhile, avoid alcohol, coffee, and fatty foods for at least 48 hours. It may take 48-72 hours or more for you to feel everything is back to normal. Call Student Health Services for a temperature over 101ºF,  for vomiting lasting more than 24 hours,  extreme dizziness or lightheadedness, increased abdominal pain, or blood in the vomit.  

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